Friday, February 26, 2010

02/22-23/10 - Class - Jellies, Nut Centers and Aerated Confections

This week in class we made more candies: jellies, nut centers, and aerated confections. They were all pretty easy and not terribly interesting. One recipe didn't work out which were pectin jellies. I guess they didn't set or something so not sure what happened, but they tasted good, the bit that I could try.

Our first recipe were gelatin gummies, just like any you'd find in a store. The chef showed us an interesting method of making a cornstarch mold, which is just what it sounds like, a lot of cornstarch formed into a frame. He then indented molds into the cornstarch with a row of gummie bears glued to a skewer to make the mold. It took like 10 boxes of cornstarch to make the one mold so only one group used it. Ours turned out fine, though the recipe was really small so we only got a few.

Our next recipe were Almond Dragees. Basically just almonds caramelized in sugar with some butter. Not very interesting but pretty tasty. We also coated some in chocolate but only because the chef told us to. They're better without the chocolate.

Our other nut recipe was Rochers, which was even less interesting. It was just slivered almonds coated in Jack Daniels, salt, and pepper, toasted, then formed into a mound with tempered chocolate. They tasted good after toasting, not as much after being mixed with chocolate (but that's probably just cuz I'm not much for chocolate).

Our last completed recipe was Nougat Montelimar. It was pretty complex, actually. We made an egg white mixture with sugar, while at the same time cooking honey. We hten began cooking sugar and glucose while the whites whipped, and then pouring the hot honey and then the cooked sugar into the whites, and finally cocoa butter. It is kinda like Italian Buttercream, though more complex. That set into a harder consistency and we mixed in various nuts and dried fruit and then flattened it out and cut it after fully setting. Unfortunately I don't think it tasted good at all.

Our other aerated confection was marshmallows, but we made them on Tuesday and they needed to set overnight, so I can't finish those until next week's class.

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